COVID-19 Travel Update - Updated: January, 2022
Welcoming and safeguarding of others is at the very heart of what we do at the Willowbank Caravan Park and Motel. To ensure guest well-being at our park, we have increased our cleaning standards even further by pairing with X02 Covid-19 cleaning products which are TGA listed (AUSTL/ARTG 368170).
Our team continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely.
Important Face Mask & Covering Update:
Following medical expert guidance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, face masks or coverings are required in our office and shop as well as indoor public areas such as amenities buildings.
Check-In Qld App
All guests and visitors to the Willowbank Caravan Park & Motel will be required to use the Qld Check-In App when entering the park.
If you become unwell while you are staying with us or become unwell after you depart we ask you to let our friendly know to assist in keeping our team well through the cleaning process or other guests in the park.
If you are in our park and you are waiting results on your COVID test we respectfully ask you to isolate in your accommodation until you receive your result. Should you be in a caravan, camper or tent we ask you to contact our team to discuss.